Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bling for meeeeee!

So I turned 30 yesterday...eeeeep! J/k the world didn't end so it's all good right? So because of my Birthday I felt the need to buy myself some bling for the occasion. Normally I pick up some fake sparkles on clearance, but this year I found some real sparkles on clearance! Score!!!
Above is a pic of it. It has to be sized since I have oh so huge size 8.5 fingers. I guess stores do not carry anything but a size 7. Which is annoying because I personally know many people who do not wear a 7 except my mom. I had ordered a ring for her and the place I ordered it from only carried size 6.50 everything else had to be sized up. Heck even the sales lady couldn't fit it on her finger! 2 weeks I wear it and show it off :) Sure the diamonds are so darn small you don't know what they are, but hell I bought them and they are my first diamonds so it's ok. It sure does sparkle nice and that is all that matters!

Other then that I went in and had a mani and had a nice lunch, dinner and shopping excursion.

Here's hoping to a better 2013. 2012 sucked!

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