Monday, January 5, 2009

Goals for 2009

I call them goals because resolutions tend to fail. I don't have many per say but here are a few that i want to concentrate on.

Personal Goals
  1. Getting in shape- Now i know that this is probably everyone's goal every year, but im honestly sick of being over weight. Nothing fits and i feel like crap. Plus ever since i started continually working out last semester my migraines have lessened! Radical concept right? Although i got them just as bad when i was in shape. So maybe my body will decide to like me from now on LOL.
  2. Eat better- this goes along with the whole getting in shape
  3. Get a better control on my migraines- for many years my migraines have come and gone. Some are easy to deal with and some not so much. I've learned many things that trigger them and things that tend to keep them at bay.
  4. Learn more about photography- I have signed up for a class and will be getting a newer cooler more advanced camera. I really love photography and can not wait to advance my skills. Who knows maybe just maybe I'll be famous one day LOL. i already have a few friends and family who want me to print, sign and frame a few photos ive taken.
  5. Work on scheduling- I know most people would say "why schedule your life away? dont be such a stick in the mudd" etc. This semester i am taking 2 online classes. So for me i have to get back into scheduling my time. Not just for my grades but for my own sanity. Ever try busting ass on a weeks worth of work 3 hours before midnight? I did that before and trust me it sucks. If i make a schedule and stick to it i not only get my work done, but i also have free time or what i like to call "me time" *gasp*.
Doggie Goals

Why doggie goals you ask? Well i do want to improve on Athenas skills as a whole. Most who know me know that i can be a little obsessive about my dog. And i think this year is just going to make it a little worse then usual LOL.

  1. Walking at a heel with a flat collar- i got her this spiffy new leather collar and i'd like to use it and not have to poke new holes in it because she stretched it out. So far she can walk at a heel with no distractions, but once something catches her attention she loses her flat collar walking zone.
  2. Make my dog bi-lingual- why you ask? Well mainly for my amusement, but also when i use German she tends to pay more attention to me. Maybe its because i put more firmness behind the language then i do in English. Whatever reason i have noticed using German make her "work" better. So far she has Sitz and Platz down to a T onto other words! Plus it makes me brush up on my foreign language skills
  3. Go to At least a few Frisbee Trails- Athena LOVES her Frisbee and i want to get her out to a few trails or fun days.
  4. Begin basic agility- Agility has always been a basic goal for Athena. Shes fast, smart, agile and now that she has good recall skills and adult focus (well most of the time) i would like to get her into something that challenges her more!

OK so there you have it my Goals for the Year. As i was re reading i was thinking to my self "Is that too little? or is it too much?" But i think for now those goals are something i can do and work with. Maybe i'll add some more through out the year, but right now those are what i want to work on no matter what 2009 brings me.

Here is to 2009 being one kick ass year!! To those who also have goals/resolutions i wish you luck!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Sounds to me like you have EXCELLENT goals for the year! Can't wait to follow your progress :)