Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Early Morning is not my friend!

So as always my goal for this year is to get in shape and loose weight. My off and on working out proved not to be good for loosing weight go figure. So I sat down and planned out weekly workout on excel and even plan on using my new phone app to track how far i go and record that too. I also had this wild idea that early morning workouts would be a great idea.....

My alarm went off at 5am. I got up put the dog out and fed her. And for the life of me i could NOT keep my eyes open. So back to bed i went. I guess my body is determined to be an evening workout person.

So keeping my scheduled workouts the same i will just do them when i get home in the evening which is about 5pm. And maybe gradually set my alarm earlier and earlier so waking up at such an ungodly hour isn't so hard.....

I Can dooooo this!!!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

I think there's just something about the weather/lighting right now that is keeping us all sleepy. You know I've been the queen of early morning workouts, and yet I can't get out of bed before 7am lately!