Monday, January 4, 2010

What do you say?

A very dear friend of mine has been fighting cancer. Until recently i was over the moon optimistic that everything would be ok. I was positive she would keep waking up every day, going to work, laughing and among many more things watch her daughter grow into a beautiful woman.

Then i heard the news no one wants to hear. "The cancer has spread and if this next round of chemo doesnt work you have 6-8 weeks to live." What do you say to that? How do you comfort a woman who has been fighting to survive not only for her self but more importantly her daughter. I try to stay positive for her and i hope she doesn't hear the pain in my voice or in my words when i write or speak to her. What else can i do? If i could magically take the cancer away i would in a heartbeat, but i can't.

Another friend of mine is collecting letters to put them in a book to give to her when she visits this month. I'm faced with a task of writing a letter to her. I say task because it's not something i really want to do. Not because i do not love her, but i'm at a loss as what i want to say. Do i write an encouraging letter that she will beat this no matter what or do i tell her that she has been and will always be a great friend where ever she will be. I don't want her to feel like I'm giving up on her because i am not. However reality is her body is giving up on her. Maybe i'll make my letter a collection of pictures that somehow express how i feel with out having to say the words: you are a wonderful loving woman, mom to many and you will be missed. le sigh

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