Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Puppy Brain is leaving

Sniffle Sniffle....Why?!!!! Oh why is my girl growing up? ....I guess I can't be that upset about Athena listening better. I was noticing last night how she has changed colors yet again and how adult she is looking. Even the way she goes about things seems less puppy impulsive and more adult rational. Example...instead of trying to shove her self under the couch to get her toy. She gets down and slowly puts her paw under and tries to sweep it out.

She even listened to commands when other people were around even her most favorite person in the whole wide world! On mothers day we had about 6 people over for dinner. I told the dogs "Out" as in out of the kitchen /dinning room area and she and my moms dog both went and laid on their beds. No lap begging. And this great obedience continued the whole 2 weeks my aunt visited. Making me look like the best dog trainer ever! My aunt even told me when the time comes for her to get a dog she will pay me to come out and train the dog LOL.

The light finally turned onto a higher setting and I'm really liking it even though it does make me teary eyed sometimes.

Heh yeah right I'm not growing up. I'm just letting you get your guard down....

1 comment:

Molly said...

Hahahaha! It's so nice to see the brains slowly seep back into their heads :-) Good girl, Athena!!!