This weekend was the first weekend i didn't have something planned from dawn to dusk. I woke up Saturday feeling great with no soreness from last weeks workouts. So i loaded up Athena into the car and headed out to out favorite recreational place. The morning was crisp and over cast and just how i like it. Like always i tie extra
doggie poop bags onto my leash and off we go...
Not even 25ft from the trail entrance and trash can was poop galore. And most people would say to me "well it is a wild life
sanctuary maybe its their poop". No it wasn't. It was dog poop.
WTF people. Not only was their a trash can 25feet away but they also provide Poop bags at the start of the trail FREE. As we continued on our walk i saw more and more dog poop everywhere. It was disgusting!!! To the point where i did not want Athena walking anywhere near it and instead of letting her have free rein to explore the 6ft of her leash i kept her at my side. Never in all my years of going to this place have i ever seen so much dog poop littering the pathways.
So as we are making our little walk Athena decided to do her business just for me. So i pick it up and double bag it since i have about a mile left in our walk and there are no garbage cans to be found. At one point Athena and i stop to watch the birds and enjoy the view of the salt flats. A guy walks up to us to take some pics and turns to see me picking up the bag i have to carry back to the trash can. The only trash cans are at the trail entrance and at a picnic area. Since the budget cuts of our east bay parks i have noticed that the extra garbage cans that use to be at various points are now gone. The guy gives me an odd look and asks what is in my bag. So i tell him and he gets this grossed out look on his face and asks why i am carrying dog poop and how unsanitary it is. Well, i said, there are no garbage cans and i am not going to leave it on the ground for someone to step in. I think i can carry it to the trash and not die. Plus the people who don't pick up after their animals are ruining it for the rest of us. All the state needs is an excuse to A. Close the parks or B. ban dogs at parks. This is one of our favorite places to come to relax and enjoy i prefer it to stay that way. The man mumbles under his breath and walks away.
Seriously people how hard is it to pick up dog poop? It specifically says to pick it up and they give you FREE bags. If you are scared of the smell then bring a
ziplock bag. I don't like poop scooping but as a dog owner it's my job to do so.
ok....end rant.